Saturday, October 3, 2015

My Typical Day-10/2/15

As my daily journal entries will soon be ending, I thought I could tell a little more about myself. “A day in the life of” of sorts. The weekends are usually spent at work, and I am at my mom’s house every other one. It is not uncommon to hang out with friends on Saturday nights. Unfortunately, with my work schedule, my weekends aren’t as interesting as I wish they were, and I definitely don’t get to catch up on sleep like I always try to.

My weekdays are jam-packed. I wake up to an annoyingly loud alarm that also simultaneously vibrates on my nightstand. It is set to go off initially at 7:05, but I generally stumble out of bed around thirty minutes later. I spend the remainder of the time getting ready until I eventually begin walking to school a little after 8:10. I go for four hours of the day, and then I get to leave since I’m enrolled in a college class. Then, unless I’m off, I go to work for four hours immediately after getting home from school and changing. After working my shift, I drive home and usually watch some TV and begin my homework and chores. When my dad arrives home, we take our dog and my neighbor’s dog for a walk around the neighborhood and then return home for dinner and TV. Afterwards, I usually retreat to my room for the remainder of the night. I finish my homework, and talk to my friends. Then, I take my nightly shower and get ready for bed.

I read my daily Bible verses and try and plan for the following day, from what my school responsibilities will be to what outfit I will wear. I admittedly usually don’t get to sleep until between midnight and 2 a.m. After I finally drift off to sleep, which sometimes takes a while and is sometimes instantaneous, I wake up the following morning and do it all again!

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