Sunday, September 13, 2015

Pet Peeves-9/13/15

For today’s entry, I wanted to dissect the things that drive me crazy, my pet peeves. I surprised myself with how many more I had than I thought. I am going to do my best to cover the spectrum of the things that both anger me and sometimes make me cringe. From social etiquette (or lack thereof) to noises that drive me up the wall, I have a few! 

Firstly, when people use the bathroom and then don’t wash their hands, I am both disgusted and irritated. Not only do they feel okay with all those disgusting, bacteria and germs being on their hands, but they have the audacity to spread those germs to every single surface they touch, and give them to those like me who wash their hands religiously. While on the subject of cleanliness, I also really dislike littering. That is something I can proudly say I do not do, and am bothered when I see trash. Even more bothersome is seeing someone in the act of littering. Throw it in the trash! Another pet peeve of mine is actually a sound. There is a certain awful scraping noise made when windshield wipers or scrapers go over a snow/ice covered windshield. Needless to say, I automatically cover up my ears when the noise is made. I pride myself in my sometimes okay English capabilities. So, there are times I morph into the grammar police. Horrible misspellings and confusion of words such as “they’re” and “their” would be another pet peeve I claim. Also, I get really irritated when I am talking on the phone and someone around me starts yelling over me to whoever I am talking to. On the other side of that, I dislike when talking on the phones with someone and they either get distracted and start talking to someone else, or when someone can be heard yelling to them in the background. Phone calls deserve courtesy too! Last, but not least, I cannot stand stealing or lying. A combination of both is a pet peeve doubled.

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